
Welcome to Fircrest Presbyterian Church!  We are an inclusive faith community.  Wherever you are on your life's journey, you are welcome here!  We have children's Sunday school, creative worship services, Christian formation programs for all ages, and intentional caring connections to our community.  We worship at 10:30 am Sundays.  You are welcome!



Mission Statement:  To actively bring God's unconditional love to our community.  (Mark 12:30-31)

Vision Statement:  To be a congregation that is actively living out God's Great Commission.  (Matthew 28:19)

Values founded in our Mission Statement:  Living Christian values with enthusiasm; Nurturing healthy relationships both inside and outside the congregation; Being present and active in our community; Providing Christian education for all ages.



Wednesdays at 5:00 pm: Kid’s Connect followed by choirs.

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm: Adult Bell Choir.

Wednesdays at 7:10pm:  Adult Singing Choir.

November 30th, 9:00am: Hanging of the Greens is a wonderful way to prepare our sanctuary for Advent. Please join us.

December 1st is the First Sunday of Advent.

December 3rd 6:30pm via Zoom: Team Meetings

December 5th, 6:30pm: A Blue Christmas Service of remembrance and hope. Where we can acknowledge, celebrate, and make space for the pain, struggle, hardship, and tears in our lives during this season. Please join us in a contemplative service. Come. Sit. Be.

December 24th, 6:30pm - Christmas Eve Service.



Families Unlimited: Peanut Butter, Cereal, Jello, Pop-top Soups & Chili, Flour , Sugar.

Proctor Food Bank: Heavy plastic and paper bags.

Oasis: Individually packaged snacks.

We are still collecting egg cartons!

We hope you will come to worship this Sunday so that we can continue our time together with celebration and joy!



This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, a season of anticipation and wonder as we prepare our hearts to welcome the Christ child. We’re thrilled to begin our new series, From the Manger, where we’ll explore how the story of Jesus—the one who came to feed the hungry—invites us into a deeper understanding of the nourishment He offers.

Hunger is a universal human experience. At its most basic level, it reminds us of our need for food and sustenance. But it also points to our deeper needs for peace, liberation, meaning, and connection. How fitting, then, that the story of Jesus begins, ends, and centers around food.

In Luke 2, we find a newborn Jesus, tenderly laid in a feeding trough—a manger—in Bethlehem, the “House of Bread.” This simple yet profound image is packed with symbolism, reminding us of the life-sustaining hope, peace, joy, and love Jesus brings. By starting Advent with the birth of Jesus, we embrace a slightly unconventional approach, but one that we hope will inspire fresh reflection on the ways He continues to feed a hungry world today.

As we step into this Advent season, let us open our hearts to the hope, peace, joy, and love that Christ brings—not only in Bethlehem but also in the here and now.

With hope and gratitude,

Pastor Taeler